MANEX prepares and implements visualization systems of technological processes using text and graphic, monochromatic and colour operating panels, including touch screens, which allow:
• input of technological data from operating panel (speed, temperature, tension force, rotations)
• display of current values of production process parameters and conditions of equipment (readiness, workability, disruptions or defects)
• display of alarms
• collecting of statistical data (print-out)
• preparing historical trends (print-out)
• creating patterns for different products
• log-in to different access levels (operator, chief engineer, process officer etc.)
Our visualization systems are based mainly on GE Fanuc operating panels. They are able to be used either to display virtual production processes or to inform the operator on any events such as:
• alarms (creating of alarm groups, alarm levels)
• scripts (generated at certain events, periodically, conditionally or assigned to graphic elements), patterns, virtual functions